Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kitchen 24

If you party hard one can work up an appetite by the time the is club over. Where do you eat in Hollywood? Option one, the corner lady that cooks hot dogs wrapped in bacon outside of the club are available, but that includes severe heartburn in waking hours of the morning. I'll pass. Or hit one of the terrible pizza spots that Hollywood has to offer, just to be pissed off because you wasted money on tomato paste and cheese bread. The popular late night restaurants such as Berrie's or Bossinova are great, but the wait could be tedious. My choice is Kitchen 24; it has become one of my favorite after hour spots to grub. The service is decent, its local, and the food is enjoyable. There's usually a well mixed crowd too. Menu suggestions are Citrus Pineapple Chicken Wings if you decide to check it out.

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